
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

March 2019: What's new with GSC?

What makes snow beautiful to us? I often wonder whether we would find it so pretty if we weren’t able to get warm and dry. During the recent snow event, at Tent City 3, many tents collapsed, including the supply tent. Campers doubled up with friends, or stayed in the dormitory tents, and some had to move out entirely. Vital supplies were buried under sheets of ice. It was days before enough snow could be removed, damaged assessed, and the camp reset itself. Your caring and contributions are what allow us to speed up recovery from such disasters and get folks warm and dry again.

With your contributions, we continue to regularly support Tent City 3, Camp United We Stand, and Tent City 5 with items needed on a daily basis like trash bags, hand sanitizer, gas for generators, batteries, food, clothing, blankets, and office supplies. We also supply camp infrastructure including tents, tarps, microwaves, coffee makers, plywood, pallets and move supplies.

Through gleaning we occasionally receive and pass on bedding, battery chargers, clothing, laundry soap, toiletries and other items. More often though, we meet urgent and basic needs through the funds provided by our donors. Gleaned items that the encampments can’t manage such as sacks of raw rice and beans are routed to various food banks and shelters. Through gleaning we take items that would be thrown away and provide them to people who can really use them. This reduces waste for local retailers and allows store employees to participate in making a difference in people’s lives.

Tent City 3 continues to shelter a few younger children in residence who need diapers and warm clothing. During the warmer, drier months we would see one young boy riding a little toy car up and down the ramp in front of the camp’s front desk. This week his mother is just trying to keep him dry and warm.

Over the next few weeks, and even months, we will be working hard to replace damaged tents, to repair winter damage, and to bolster camp facilities against the coming spring storms. Please consider helping us in this effort with a donation today. Visit and select “Donate Today.” Donations can also be mailed to PO Box 77815, Seattle, WA 98177-0815. Thank you for your heart to help those experiencing homelessness, and we hope you will stay in touch with us.

Camp United We Stand at Haller Lake UMC

Elizabeth Hinkofer,
Secretary, Greater Seattle Cares